Hi Everyone! The last couple days have been kinda crazy around my house. My energy filled 3 year old had a big fall and ended up with 4 stitches in the back of his head on Tuesday night. He is doing well but of coarse I'm still rattled and I've been chasing after him trying to slow him down so he can recover. :)
I hope you have a great day!
Owl Mini: Greetings from the Wise 3906H, Letter Background 1999L, Seasons... 3554D
Tree Mini: Little Trees 3557H, Christmas Lights 3553H, Wondrous 3738B, Xmas Treasures 30-019
So sorry to hear about your little boy's fall. I don't have children yet, but I can imagine how incredibly scary that must be. I sure hope he recovers soon.
And hope your little guy is better now! Kids seem to heal amazingly fast :)